Me and Pelpix were messing around in ex_challenge, and I was wondering if I could get turrets to work. So, I remember back in my ent_fire'ing days, and found this:
ent_fire npc_turret_floor setrelationship "player d_ht" makes the turrets think your an enemy. This can also be done to all other npc's by adding the proper npc name in that. Now, it was atacking me...but not doing anything. I decided to make a spawn auto exec turret and same problem, it attacks but no damage. I made an exec for antlions, and they did there regular damage so it couldn't be with the player. Anyway, I THINK that it could be something with source 2. I went into hl2, hl2:dm and a few others that were using source 2 now, and the turrets didn't work there either, they'd just shoot nothing... I noticed when making the exec file for turrets, on other npc's you could set lets say antlion swips damage, but on turret, you can't set it's damage, so it must read straight from the source folder, which might have a bad turret folder/cfg/ or whatever... Pelpix told me that regular source didn't work period, so would that mean until source 2 is fixed, no turrets for exite? Once again, everything having to do with source 2 is pure speculation, but atleast all other npc's will work. They still can't go through portals though >.<. Oh yea, scratch that, if you carry a turret with gravity gun, you can go through portal with no crashing, but shooting it through will result in crash. Sorry if this is a little late, but if someone who was more knowledgeable on the subject could help with this...
Just go into consle and say bind o "ent_fire npc_turret_floor setrelationship "player d_ht" to make all turrets in map attack you when your near them.
ent_fire npc_turret_floor setrelationship "player d_li is the opposite.